E-ISSN: 1309-5749 | ISSN: 1018-8681 | Join E-mail List | Contact | Twitter
1Akdeniz University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Neurology
Dusunen Adam Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences 1993; 6(3): 45-49
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In this study, multimodal event related potentials (ERP) were recorded from 52 epileptic patients to determine a possible relationship between ERP components and certain characteristics of this population, i.e., seizuretype, EEG findings; duration of the disease and type of anticonvulsant treatment. Electrophysiological findings were compared with those obtained in nineteen normal subjects, age matched with the patients group. Epileptic patients had significant abnormalities in all ERP modilities. Mean N2 and P3 latencies were significantly prolonged and mean latency of motor related cortical potential (MRCP) were significantly shorteened in all seizure type and duration of disease. The most significant effect was shown on CNV components and amplitude of MRCP in those receiving more than one anticonvulsant. Patients on anticonvulsant monotherapy and polytherapy had longer P3 latency. Shortening of latency in MRCP was shown both in those receiving and not receiving medication. Patients with paroxysmal electroencephalographic discharges had shortening of latency in MRCP and in those with local electroencephalographic discharges had prolongation of latencies in N2 and P3. The results suggest that different ERP components are affected by dillerent variables, i.e., seizure type, EEG findings, duration of the disease and type of anticonvulsant therapy.

Epilepside Bilişim: Multimodal Olaya Bağlı Potansiyel Çalışması
1Akdeniz Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Nöroloji Anabilim Dalı
Dusunen Adam Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences 1993; 3(6): 45-49

Bu çalışmada, 52 epileptik olgudan kayıtlanan multimodal olaya bağlı potansiyel (OBP) komponentlerinin nöbet tipi, EEG bulgular:, hastalık süresi ve kullan ılan antiepileptik ilaçlarla iliskileı i araştırılm ıştı Olgulardan elde edilen veriler, benzer yaş grubundan 19 normal kontrol ile karşılaştırılm ıştır. Epileptik olgularda bütün OBP modalitelerinde önemli derecede bozukluklar saptanm ıştır. Bütün nöbet tiplerinde ve sürelerinde N2 ve P3 latansında uzama ve harekete bağlı kortikal potansiyellerin (MRCP) latansında belirgin kısalma saptanılırken; beklentisel negatif de ğişim (CNV) ve MRCP amplitüdü en belirgin olarak, kombine ilaç kullan ımından etkilenmi ştir. P3 latansı, tek ya da kombine ilaç alanlarda uzarken; MRCP latansı , hem ilaç kullanan hem de kullanmyanlarda kısalmıştır. EEG'nin paroksismal olduğu olgularda MRCP latansında uzama bulunmuştur. Bu bulgular; nöbet tipi, süresi, EEG özellikleri ve antiepileptik tedavinin, OBP'i de ğişik derecelerde etkilediğini göstermektedir.