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1Bakırköy Mental and Neurological Diseases Hospital
Dusunen Adam Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences 1991; 4(3): 18-20
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After the first time dysthmic disorder was introduced in DSM-III, it was found to be a heterogeneous concept in a short period and there were many attemps for sub-typing dysthymic disorder. In DSM-IIIR it was proposed to sub-type dysthymia, the early onset type refers to patients whose symptoms began before age 21 and late onset type refers to patients whose symptoms began at age 21 and after. Between these two subgroups there were no significant differences concerning their sociodemographic and dinical features.

Distimik Bozukluk: Heterojen Bir Kavram
1Bakırköy Ruh ve Sinir Hastalıkları Hastanesi
Dusunen Adam Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences 1991; 3(4): 18-20

DSM-III ile birlikte ortaya konan distimik bozuklu ğun heterojen bir kavram olduğunun farkedilmesi kısa sürede alt gruplara ayırma çabalarına yol açm ıştır. Distimiyi 21 yaşından önce başlarsa erken, 21 ve sonraki yaşlarda başlarsa geç tip olarak ayırmak DSM-III-R ile birlikte önerilmi ştir. Sosyodemografik ve klinik özellikler aç ısından iki alt grup arasında anlamlı bir farklilik saptanmam ıştır.