E-ISSN: 1309-5749 | ISSN: 1018-8681 | Join E-mail List | Contact | Twitter
A Double-Blind-PLacebo Controlled Comparison of Fluoxetine and Psychotherapy in Alopecia
1GATA Haydarpaşa Training Hospital Psychiatry Clinic
2GATA Haydarpaşa Training Hospital Skin Clinic
Dusunen Adam Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences 1991; 4(2): 25-31
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Thiry-two male inpatients who were diagnosed as alopecia areata and who were intractible to classical dermatological topical therapy, were randolmy divided to three groups. First group was giyen double-blind fluoxetine; the second group was giyen placebo and behavioral and supportive psychotherapeutic intervention_sessions were conducted to the third group for one month. Beck Depression Inventory (=BDI), and State- Trait Anxiety Inventory (=STAI) were giyen all of the patients before the treatment period and along each treatment week. At the end of the treatment, both fluoxetine and psychotherapy were found to be significantly (p<0.01) more effective than placebo. Fluoxetine and psychotherapy were not found to be superior to each other.

Klasik Dermatolojik Topikal Tedaviden Yararlanamamış Alopecia Areatalı Hastalarda Çift-Kör Fluoxetine, Placebo ve Psikoterapi Uygulamaları
1GATA Haydarpaşa Eğitim Hastanesi Psikiyatri Kliniği
2GATA Haydarpaşa Eğitim Hastanesi Cildiye Kliniği
Dusunen Adam Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences 1991; 2(4): 25-31

Klasik topikal tedavilerden yararlamamış 32 erkek yatan alopecia areatalı hastaya randomize, çift-kör olarak bir ay boyunca fluzetine, placebo verildi veya psikoterapi uyguland ı. Hastaların tümüne tedavi öncesi ve tedavi boyunca her hafta Beck Depresyon envanteri (BDI) ve State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) verildi. Tedavi periyodu sonunda Fluoxetine ve psikoterapinin placeboya göre anlaml ı olarak üstün (p<0.01); birbirlerine üstünlüklerinin olmad ığı bulundu.