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1Karadeniz Technical University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Neurology
Dusunen Adam Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences 1991; 4(2): 63-65
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The term status epilepticus coined 1824 was originally used to describe prolonged convulsions without recovery of consciousness between seizures and commanding urgent attention. More recently it has been accepted that status epilepticus is a state can also occur with other seizure types with prolonged states of mental confusion. Convulsive status subdivided into generalised tonic-clonic (grandma 1) and simple partial status (Epilepsia partialis continua). Nonconvulsive seizures are more diff ıcult to diagnose then obvius convulsive seizures and it is more diffıcult to diagnose then obvius convulsive seizures and it is more diffıcult when altered mental state or behaviour and psychiatric symptoms are major ictal manefestations, because this type of manifestations is unfamilliar to many physicians. Nonconvulsive status may be subdiveded into general ised absence status and complex partial status for practical valve and for neurophyciological validity.

Konvülzyonsuz Status Epileptikus Tabloları
1Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Nöroloji Anabilim Dalı
Dusunen Adam Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences 1991; 2(4): 63-65

Status epileptikus terimi 1824'de, hastan ın bilinci düzelmeksizin devam eden konvülzif nöbetleri tanımlamak ve olayın aciliyetini belirtmek için kullan ılmıştır. Konvülzif status generalize-tonikklonik (grandmal), ve basit parsiyel status (Epilepsia parsialis kontinüna) olmak üzere 2 ye ayrılabilir. Konvülzyonsuz nöbetler, mental tablo, davran ışsal değişiklikler ve psikiyatrik semptomlarla karekterize oldukları için tanınmaları daha zor olabilir. Konvülzyonsuz status epileptikus tablolar ı ise absans status (AS) ve kompleks parsiyel status (KPS) olmak üzere ikiye ayrılmaktadır.