E-ISSN: 1309-5749 | ISSN: 1018-8681 | Join E-mail List | Contact | Twitter
1Bakırköy Mental and Neurological Diseases Hospital 6th Psychiatry Unit
2Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry
Dusunen Adam Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences 1993; 6(1): 48-50
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As is widely known from the literature that the impotence may develop in the husbands of the vaginismus cases. This article is related to the treatment of two couples with vaginismus diagnosis. The first couple having known each-other with love and affection for seven years got married. They have been married for 3.5 years. The wife is 28 years old with an university degree and is working for an airline firm as a stewardess. The husband is 34 years old and is also an university graduate working for a private firm. The wife with the vaginismus diagnosis, was treated by psychological examinations and tests. In spite of the treatment the problem was not overcomed due to the impotence development in the husband. The wife of second couple is eighteen years old with a high school degree and is a hause-wife 27 years old husbandis a high school teacher. The couple have been married for eight months. The case, after being similarly subjected to proper psychiatric and psychological examinations and tests, has been successfully treated though therapies and narcoanalysis. The impotance situation was detected in the husband after the treatment of the wife. The impotance states of the husbands were also treated by therapies accordingly.

Vaginismus Vakalarının Tedavisinden Sonra Eşlerinde Ortaya Çıkan Empotans Ve Tedavisi
1Bakırköy Ruh ve Sinir Hastalıkları Hastanesi 6.Psikiyatri Birimi
2Cerrahpaşa Tıp Fakültesi Psikiyatri Anabilim Dalı
Dusunen Adam Journal of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences 1993; 1(6): 48-50

Vaginismus tan ısı ile gelen iki çift tedaviye al ınmıştır. Birinci çift 28 ya şında yüksek tahsilli, hostes, e şi 34 yaşında, yüksek tahsilli özel sektörde çal ışmakta, sevişerek evlenmi şler.10 yıllık bir beraberlikleri var. 3.5 yıllık evliler. Vaginismus tan ısı konan yaka psikolojik inceleme ve testlerden geçirildikten sonra terapiye al ınmıştır, yaka düzeldikten sonra e şinde empotans durumu ortaya çıkm ıştır. İkinci çift: 8 ayl ık evli, 18 ya şında, lise mezunu, ev kad ını , eşi 27 yaşında, lise öğremeni, yine psikolojik inceleme ve testlerden geçirilen yakaya narkoanaliz uygulanm ıştır. Yine yaka düzeldikten sonra e şinde empotans durumu ortaya çıkm ıştır. Daha sonraki aşamada ellerde terapiye alınarak düzeltilmişlerdir. Her iki vaginismus vakası terapilerinden sonra ellerinde ortaya çıkan empotans yönünden ilginç bulunmuştur.